big sun glasses
gaucho alternatives
skirts over pants
head wraps

My first guerilla fashion photography experience! I think it went well, and I am excited to try some new angles and ideas next time. Looking for the best dressed people was a new and bizarre way to think about my surroundings. Often as I'm going about my day I notice things people are wearing, like the way more people are putting apron and skirt wraps on top of pants (photo one and two), but this was a more intense experience. It was a hunt in the jungle for a rare and exotic find, unlike my everyday fashion life, which is more of a saunter into the local coffee shop.
After photographing each person I had just a moment to chat and exchange the 411. It surprised me how many of them turned out to be involved with fashion professionally. One woman turned out to be the owner of the jewelry and textile company
Caraucci. Another is
Scarlet Chamberlain, who is emerging onto the Portland scene with her jewelry designs. With my senses honed on my fashion prey I hadn't even noticed that Anna was not just standing there looking great in her cute sun hat, she was also selling her fabulous reconstructed pants. She is pictured wearing them in the photo three down from the top. To get in touch with her, send a note to annakihrani at yahoo dot com.
You can be sure I'll be on the hunt at the TBA festival and The Affair @ The Jupiter Hotel. I'd love to hear from anyone who is going to an event that promises to bring out the style in Portland during August.